Sunday, January 11, 2009


from lesa: "why are you in hawaii?"

answer: because this is where i want to be. i finished school and decided that i had no desire to endure another winter in the midwest. i came to hawaii in 2007 on my way to urumqi, and i am living with a friend from that trip. right now i am looking out at a gorgeous sunset over the pacific with a fabulous breeze blowing in through the windows and there's no where else i'd rather be!

as for a job, i interviewed on friday and saturday and am just waiting for The Call. hopefully i will have a good answer on that front tomorrow :). what complicates my job search is that we are moving to the other side of the city/island on the 28th, so if i get the aforementioned job, i will have to transfer to a different store which shouldn't be a big deal with this company. 

if anyone else has a question, feel free to comment :).

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now getting back on. You have been a busy young lady. Is this a permanent move? I'm sure your family is missing you badly. I understand about needing to fly away from the nest.
    I do remember your trip and how much you loved Hawaii. Maybe we can come see you someday. It sure is wonderful that you have someone to share a place with.
    Is it very expensive there? I hear it is. Like for instance Milk here is 3.49 a gallon; how much is it there?

    I need to catch up on the rest of your blog...

    Take care.
